Job Interview: How To Make A Great Impression Without Spending A Dime

When you’re lucky enough to secure a job interview, it is generally expected that you’ll dress for the occasion. For most job roles, this means suiting up and wearing clothing that costs a lot of money. Not all of us are lucky enough to afford this sort of attire, though. So, we’re going to give you a few ways to make a great impression without even spending a dime.

Career Gear

For those who have never heard of it, Career Gear is a scheme that provides suits to disadvantaged job seekers. This is a US-based scheme, and there are a lot of factors involved, so make sure you read about them first. In other areas of the world, similar offerings are available to those who can’t afford the necessary attire. Make sure you do your research about this, and you might just find that help is at hand.

Accentuate Your Strongest Areas

Alright, so you can’t afford a snazzy suit, but there are other things you can do. Potentially, you could ditch the suit altogether and make your smart shirt stand out. You could also set a task of repairing those worn-out shoes to make them look brand-new before the interview. Focus on other elements of your appearance like your hair that don’t require any monetary investment. You can still look good by simply taking extra care.

Make Use Of Samples

One of the things that you can potentially do is make use of samples. For example, you can often find hair gel samples on the market, so take advantage of them! The same goes for free cologne samples. The idea is that you’ll buy them after you’ve used them, of course! If they help you get the job, you might well do that! For now, don’t neglect this free and easy opportunity to make your appearance even better.


I’m not suggesting you make your problem public! This could catch the eye of the interviewer, and potentially lose you the opportunity. There’s nothing wrong with holding a private fundraising scheme to share with family and friends, though. You could even undertake a sponsored walk or something similar to raise the funds! It’s only an idea, but it’s one that you might find to be fun as well as profitable.

Let Your Mouth Do The Talking

Let’s suggest that you’ve run out of options. Now, all you can do is turn up to that interview looking as good as you possibly can. You’re at a disadvantage when compared to the other candidates, but don’t focus on that for now. You were given this opportunity for a reason, and now, you need to use the power of words to take advantage. Go into that interview with the mentality that you’re the best and that you’ll succeed. Then, you can walk out knowing that you’ve done the very best you can.

It’s possible to obtain great job roles without spending a dime on your look. Always keep your head held high, and you might just find that you’ll be sitting in a high-profile job before long.
