A Guide for the First-Time Beard Grower

We may have written once or twice on this blog about having a beard. But what about those of you out there who don’t have a beard yet? What if you don’t need advice of maintaining that big, luscious beard because you don’t actually have one? What if you merely aspire to have a beard?

Well, growing a beard might not be as simple as it first appears. You could say that it’s just as easier as not shaving. Just sitting around and letting your facial hair grow. And sure, that’s true, to an extent. But you need to be careful with this line of thinking. There are a bunch of problems that growing a beard could pose for you. So you might need to read up on some relevant tips before you put down that razor!

Here’s a quick guide to growing a beard that I hope you’ll find useful in your quest. It includes many of the things you’ll have to keep in mind as you go forward.

Dont Stress 

It’s more than likely that you’re familiar with the concept of some people’s facial hair growing quicker than others. You may even be familiar with people who can’t seem to grow a beard at all. But if you’ve not tried growing a beard before, then you might not be familiar with how this applies to your own facial hair growth.


For most people who grow a beard, there will be a period where it might look a bit wacky. For the first few weeks, you’ll probably be getting some nice-looking ‘unshaven’ look. But the longer parts of your beard might start growing faster from below your chin or nearer your cheeks. So it could look a little uneven for a short period!

Feel Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

If you’re a regular shaver, then you may feel a little irritation as this spiky hair emerges from your skin. And once it grows longer you may find yourself irritated by the curliness. While some people’s beards will grow naturally soft and smooth, most people  will feel a little discomfort as it gets bigger.


This is why you should understand that it’s more than just “not shaving”. You’ll need to trim areas of unevenness and keep it clear of knots. You may want to look into beard products that soothe irritation and soften those hairs!

Take Care

There are a lot of “magic solutions” being promoted for beard growth on the Internet these days. But the best way to help growth is to do things that are going to good for your general health. Increasing the amount of folic acid in your diet helps with hair growth. Folic acid can be found in green vegetables, whole-grain cereals, and nuts. Pretty healthy foods, anyway, right? You can also look into taking supplements form a health store.

Another thing that will help with hair growth? Getting enough sleep! When you don’t get enough sleep, your body starts functioning at half-capacity. Being well-rested will give all your body’s processes a speed boost. (Except for the dying process. That can be slowed down by more sleep. Just saying.)

Image credit – Flickr