Can You Still Enjoy A Beer Whilst Losing Weight?

‘New Year, New Me’ is so commonly associated with January/February. After over indulging over the Christmas period, everyone tries to kick start the year by loosing the weight they’ve gained. Or, better yet, try and work their way to their dream body they’ve fantasied about every year.

Not only is January hard because of the strict diets and exercise routines we try to stick to, but theres also a long wait until payday too. Why make matters worse by believing that you can’t enjoy a nice cold beer whilst trying to get in shape?

Enjoying a few cold bevvies are often associated with being unhealthy because quite honestly, it is never just a few! 1 or 2 cold ones often turns into a heavy sessions where you’ve drank 6 to 7 beers and wolfed down a kebab and chips on the way home.

How To Keep Losing Weight Whilst Enjoying A Beer?

Yes, it is true that you can still enjoy a pint whilst trying to lose weight. It simply comes down to 2 things; self-control and knowing your bitter.

Whilst you can still enjoy a post-workout pint after a heavy gym session, it’s important to remember that it’s only ok when it’s 1 or 2 pints and not 5 or 6, the same calorie content as a box of Krispy Kremes. If you can control the number of pints to 1 or 2 at a push, then you have our approval!

In fact, a few beers here and there has actually been linked to several health benefits such as a lower heart-disease risk and reduced stress levels. A few beers here and there being the important take home message!

The key to maintaing your weight loss and enjoying a pint is by knowing your alcohol content. A general rule of thumb is that the more alcohol content the more calories. Going for a pint with lower alcohol content means that your waistline will suffer less.

Need some helps knowing what to ask for? Check out our guide for beers with the lowest calories:

  • Mild Bitter = ~140 calories
  • Brown Ale = ~160 calories
  • Regular Lager = ~170 calories
  • Bitter = ~180 calories
  • Pale Ale = ~180 calories
  • Stout = ~210 calories
  • Premium Lager = ~330 calories

The answer to losing weight whilst still enjoying a pint is to keep the pints to a minimum and opting for a mild bitter or brown ale, whilst staying away from the premium lagers as they can pack a punch at 330 calories per pint!