Does Shaving My Chest Hair Really Make It Grow Back Thicker?

Will shaving my chest make the hair grow back thicker?

The trimming and shaving of body hair, otherwise known as Manscaping, can be a daunting task for any man, even for the most confident of men.

With so many questions associated with the topic: Should I? How do I? How often? It’s no surprise that some of us don’t know where to start when it comes to shaving our body hair.

Trimming or shaving your chest hair is one of the most impactful ways you can get your body, beach ready. From shaving your chest to enhance your abs to trimming your chest to make it socially acceptable to take your shirt off – loads of men are doing it and so should you!

Gone are the days where a man can simply just throw some swim-shorts and flip-flops into a suitcase and be beach ready. Every aspect of summer-fashion is planned meticulously, even down to body hair.

One of the most common questions associated with manscaping is “will my chest hair grow back thicker if I shave it?” Well, read on to find out:

Does Shaving Chest Hair Make It Thicker?

There are strong arguments to support both arguments for the impact shaving has on the thickness of chest hair.

Some men have taken to online forums claiming that they’ve noticed a ‘physical increase in the thickness of their body hair after shaving their chest’. Followed by some men stating the opposite, claiming that they have shaved their chest all their lives and notice no difference in the thickness of their chest hair.

It’s a myth that shaving your chest makes the hair grow back thicker or that it increases overall hair growth. Imagine how furry we’d be if our body hair got thicker every time we shaved?

The truth is that when you shave your chest, the hair does tend to look thicker when it grows back. The hair looks thicker as shaving slices off the thin tips of the hair leaving the ends blunt. This ‘blunt end’ is more noticeable once the hair starts to grow. Initially, you get a stubbly look until the hairs are a few millimetres long.

Need an example? Imagine slicing a pencil in half compared to sharpening the end. Sharpening leaves a nice thin point whereas slicing would resort in a wide and flat surface area – a noticeable difference in surface area.

If you want to prevent the impact shaving has on the surface area on the hair, thus reducing any coarseness associated with shaving, then there are alternative methods to shaving without the blunt ends.

Alternatives Hair Removal Methods

If you’re weary of shaving your chest hair then the solution lies within waxing, sugaring or a depilatory cream.

These methods remove the hair at the root, ensuring that when the hairs grow back they do so with a fine, soft tip often associated with hair.

Here are some of our recommend chest hair removal methods and the products to remove unwanted body hair:

Shaving will only keep the hair at bay for a few days but removing it at the root will give you a smooth chest for longer, even lasting from a few weeks to months.

On a final note, if you still think shaving is the best hair removal method for you then just expect to be shaving at least once a week to keep your chest hair free.