Grow An Extra 2 Inches & Beat Back Pain With These Simple Exercises

When you have a job that demands you to sit at a desk for 9 hours a day, back ache isn’t something new to you and unless you’re prepared to take measures to prevent back ache, you better learn how to live with it.

Unlike the majority of people, we take simple measures everyday to ensure that we’re not going to fall victim to back ache.

The problem isn’t that you’re working, the issue is how you’re sitting while you’re working and unless you work for google where you have standing desks, what may be a back ache now could progress into something much more damaging and serious in later life.

Don’t fall Victim to Back Ache

There isn’t really much you can do to prevent sitting down at a desk all day, if this is the nature of your job. However, you can take measures into your own hands to not fall victim to back ache, anymore.

The British Medical Journal found that you can release muscle tension built up from sitting down all day by using the Alexander Technique. Statistics show that this technique can relieve back ache but can also help to make you 2 inches taller, never a bad thing from a guys perspective!

Alexander Technique To Beat Back Ache

The Alexander technique is all about being more aware of the position of your body to correct poor postures and to move more efficiently, using exercise and controlled movements to correct your posture. Below are is a great exercise you can do at home to help reverse the damage that sitting at a desk all day has inflicted upon your body.

Off-the-Wall Gains

A great equipment-free exercise that should be done everyday for at least two weeks to elongate the spine and release tension in the back, for optimum results complete this exercise in the morWall slides are a great way to cure a bad backnings.

How To Do Off The Wall Gains:

  1. Straighten Out: Stand with your back pressed against a wall and place your feet should-width apart and 10cm away from the wall.
  2. Sink Down: Slowly bend your knees pulling your bum closer to the floor and slide down the wall until you thighs are parallel to the floor (knee at a 90 degree angle).
  3. Push Back Up: Slide back up the wall until you reach your starting position.taller
  4. Repeat: Repeat this move 8-10 times.

Simple Tip

A simple tip to prevent the onset of premature back ache from sitting down is to try and get out of your chair as often as you can. We recommend to try and get up out of your chair once every hour, so don’t be afraid of volunteering for the tea round as it could save you from having a bent spine when you’re older.