5 Stress-Busting Foods To Include In Your Diet

Stress can be detrimental to your health if you let it spiral out of control. However, a certain amount of stress is beneficial, after all it’s what makes you get up in the morning! Managing your stress levels is the key to enable you to function effectively in the workplace and in your home life.

To manage your stress levels you need to be able to recognise how your body reacts to it. Stress will be easy to recognise if you’re going through a time of upheaval in your life, such as money problems leading to  unsecured credit card for bad credit debt, relationship breakdowns and bereavement. However everyday stress can build up without any specific triggers. Signs and symptoms of stress include insomnia, racing heart beat, irritability, inability to cope and lower immunity.

How To Manage Stress

Once you are able to recognise when you’re stressed you can adopt lifestyle changes to help  manage it. Exercise is a fantastic way of lowering stress levels, as you will burn off the adrenaline produced in the “fight or flight” response to stress. Getting out in natural daylight will enhance your mood too.

5 Stress-Busting Foods

When stressed our natural inclination is to comfort ourselves with our favourite takeaway and a few beers. Although grabbing a Mcdonalds may make you feel good at the time, it’s just a quick fix and the high fat, sugar and additive content will make you feel worse in the long run!

Other foods to avoid include fried foods and drinks with high caffeine, as they are a stimulant and you want to feel calmer.

There are foods that have been proven to lower stress levels and including a selection of them in your diet will certainly help.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are often described as a superfood as they pack so many nutrients and antioxidants into the tiny, delicious tasting berries. The type of antioxidants found in blueberries are believed to be beneficial in boosting your mood by increasing your bodies dopamine levels.

2. Almonds

Almonds are rich in vitamin B2 and E, which help boost the immune system when under stress. Almonds are also an excellent source of iron, low iron can cause fatigue and lower your mood.

3. Lean Protein

Eating good sources of protein such as eggs, chicken and fish helps to keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel. Protein helps you to feel fuller longer and maintains muscle health and strength. A drop in blood sugar levels can dramatically affect your ability to function under stress.

4. Foods Containing Omega 3

Salmon, sardines, mackerel and walnuts are excellent sources of omega 3. If you don’t include these foods regularly consider taking an omega 3 supplement. Omega 3 is thought to reduce anxiety and depression, as well as keep your brain function healthy.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables

Ok, so when you’re stressed often the last thing that you fancy eating is a salad! However vegetables such as spinach can be incorporated into many dishes, such as curries and casseroles. Magnesium is packed into vegetables like spinach which helps to regulate cortisol levels and the sense of wellbeing.

A well balanced diet incorporating a range of these stress lowering foods will help you manage your stress levels more effectively.