Cool Gadgets You’ve Neglected

Yes, my friends, the world is awash with nerdy tech. And yes, it’s cooler than ever. Geeky entrepreneurs all over the planet are buzzing away in their bedrooms, cooking up ways to get their hands on your money.

Do we like what they’ve cooked up? Of course we do.

Heated Ice Cream Scoop

Now, you wouldn’t have thought this one would have taken several decades to think up. After all, there’s already so much cool stuff for guys. After all, ice cream stuck to traditional scoops has been a problem for the ages. But now companies like Kitchen Craft are cashing in on this idea of heated scoops. Get the most perfect, the nerdiest, the most, dare I say, spherical balls of ice cream possible.

I would say impress your friends, but who cares what they think? Just impress yourself like I do.

Binary Watch


Watch out ladies, here comes a man, and he’s wearing a binary watch. No, this watch doesn’t come in base 10. That would be far too boring. Binary watches only tell you the time in 0s and 1s. You can impress the ladies with your mathematical skills. Perhaps your new party trick could be interpreting long strings of digital output? Be the life of the party.

Dalek Desk Protector


Whilst you’re not entering code into Python, you need something that will keep your sister or your wife away from your man station. Or desk – whatever it’s called. This is where Daleks come in.

Hook a desk Dalek up to your PC via USB. In return it will replace your dog, making Dalek noises anytime somebody comes near.

Stop meddling intruders fiddling about with your top secret work. And more importantly, stop them from pinching everything you left on your desk, including that Bakewell tart.


Have you ever wanted to pound your seal of approval on a piece of paper? Get a stampler. It the shape of a stapler, and has all the ferocity of one, but on the end if it is also a stamp. Awesome, fun and you get to feel like a boss.

Schrodinger’s Cat Executive Decision Maker

You know that little quirk of quantum physics where an object can be in more than one place at one time until you actually look at it? That was what led physicist Gerhard Schrodinger to make an analogy to a cat in a box. In the quantum world, the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. That is, until you open the box and it assumes one of those two forms.

Well, now some geeks have seen a business opportunity. Why not leave the executive decision making to the innate randomness of the universe? Yes, that’s right. Get your very own Schrodinger’s cat box to help you make those important decisions in your life.

As the box a question and then open the little flap on the side. If when you observe the cat it’s alive, then the answer to your question is “yes.” If the cat is dead, then sadly it’s a “no.” I can’t imagine this going wrong in any way.