Fitness: 4 Easy Steps to A Stronger Core

core body excerise

How is your core strength right now? If you want to get fit – and I mean really fit – then starting with your core is the best way to go. It gives you everything you need to be able to worker harder and push yourself further. You will go from having to push yourself up off the sofa with your hands on your knees, to leaping up gracefully, with no effort at all.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some simple steps you can take to improve your core strength. Most of these exercises and ideas are easy to do but make sure you get checked out by your doctor. As ever, if you aren’t used to exercising, a sudden increase in exertions could lead to injury.

Build More Muscle

Your core is made up of the muscles in your stomach, back, tops of the thighs and the glutes. So when you are doing core workouts, you will be building up that muscle – but you also need to eat the right food. Eating more protein nourishes the muscle, and when used with exercise, it can often work quicker. So, for faster results, as well as eating more lean meats, nuts, and eggs, you might want to try protein shakes and powders. Take a look at the range at There are plenty of protein powders to choose from, so it’s a case of finding what works best for you.

Go Swimming

When you are just starting out, swimming is an excellent way to start building up your core. Avoid doing the breaststroke, though, and concentrate on the front crawl. Breathe on both sides to get your body twisting and working, and focus on holding your shape with your stomach muscles. You won’t feel it at the time, but a few hours later you will know you have had a workout!

Do Crunches

If ever an exercise screamed ‘core’, and, indeed, made your core scream, it’s crunches. For beginners, put your feet on a wall and lie down on a mat. Slowly lift your head and shoulders up and move them towards your knees, and then back down again. Well done! You’ve done a crunch! Sadly, though, you’ll need to do plenty more of those until you make any difference. Take it steady at first, and then increase your numbers and intensity. It won’t be long until you start noticing the hard work paying off.

Head To A Yoga Class

Yoga is, in essence, core strengthening taken to the next level. It might look tame at first, but give some of those poses a go and it won’t be long before you are bursting blood vessels. The good thing about yoga classes it that you will learn where you are going wrong very quickly. You will also be ashamed by how inflexible you are, but this will pass, we promise!

Well, that’s just about all we have time for today. There are many ways of improving your core strength, but the ones we have highlighted are easy to get started. Good luck, and get ready for the burn!