Everybody knows that laziness stimulates creativity. Those who do not want to go shopping can order food, and it will be delivered within several minutes to their home. On the one hand, it leads to progress. On the other hand, people stop being active, which leads to serious health problems. What about students? Do they benefit from physical activity or fitness and sports do not have any impact on their brain and academic effectiveness?
Researchers: Investigation of the Relation between PE and Brain Activity
The relation between physical activity and its impact on your ability to learn to show better results is a TOP subject among scientists. It has been intriguing researchers for more than a hundred years. Due to that, there are many investigations that tried to understand how physically active students benefit from increased exercising.
Illinois, 2004
Three professors of kinesiology conducted research which included data about 500 students. They were of different complexity and belonged to different age groups (3rd, 4th and 5th grades, and a few adults). At the end of the investigation, students were to pass evaluation tests which measured their ability to discriminate things, recognise and respond to them.
The results of the research proved that physical activity improved the cognitive abilities of participants. Those students who led the sedentary way of life showed worse results in testing than those that were fit. The age factor also played an important role. Fit adults were better in testing than fit children. Professors hoped that their experiment would make schools and colleges increase the number of PE classes.
South Korea, 2014
Students from South Korea participated in the experiment in the fall of 2014. 236 children were to study having different physical loads. Teenagers from thirteen to fifteen years old were to write exams at the end of the experiment in autumn. Those who had a lower level of fitness activity produced worse results compared to those who were physically more active. Participants showed the highest rates in Maths, English, and Science.
Copenhagen Consensus Conference, 2016
Twenty-four researchers proved that there is a positive influence of physical activity on human brain function and health condition. They tested children from six to eighteen and concluded that exercising:
- increased students’ self-esteem
- improved academic performance
- provided children with the motivation to study
- made children more responsible
- helped to socialise
Canada, 2008
The correlation between exercising and brain activity was the subject of research in Canada, Newfoundland, and Labrador in 2008. Clinical research concerned disabled children who could not move the way their peers did. Scientists tested laboratory rats forcing them to perform low, medium, and high loads of physical exercising. Sudden overload led to stress, but moderate physical load optimised neurotrophins. Then disabled children and those who had reading and speaking problems participated in the research. They managed to concentrate and manifest impressive results in cognitive thinking, reading, and reproduction of sounds compared to pre-exercising testing. It proved that medium physical load stimulates different parts of the brain and lets disabled people think more clearly and succeed in studies.
The above-mentioned four investigations proved that students can perform better in classes if they go in for sports or at least devote more time to fitness. Moreover, physical activity reduces the chances of a person getting obsessed. Exercising stimulates metabolism, makes a body function better, and improves general health.
How It Works and What It Guarantees
When a person does some exercises, the heart starts beating faster. The blood circulation gets quicker, supplying the whole body with oxygen, including the brain. Thanks to that, productivity increases and people are able to do more. Moreover, the number of brain neurotransmitters also increases, which results in higher concentration and better ability to focus on things, learn, think, analyse and memorise them. Those who go in for sports or at least try to spend some time on training have a chance to:
- normalise blood pressure
- avoid heart attack and serious cardiovascular problems
- lower the risk of getting diabetes type II
- improve the functionality of the vestibular apparatus
- recover faster after diseases
- increase the level of energy and be more productive
- get better sleep and feel more relaxed
- stabilise weight
- improve cognitive abilities and succeed in studies
Of course, except fitness, there are other factors which influence on the human brain. These are eating lifestyle, bad habits, ecological and psychological environment, and, finally, genetics. Nevertheless, physical activity plays a great role in a person’s well-being. Youth, whose organism is still developing, have higher chances to prevent many diseases and make their brain work better at studies. That is why they should choose the activity they like and do it regularly.
The Role of Essay Writing Services in the Life of an Average Student
Sport is very beneficial. Students do not only feel better but also get higher grades in studies. Keeping fit means to take care of a body supplying it with energy and capability to function properly. Students’ brains get more oxygen. The nervous system becomes not so vulnerable to stresses and a person can restore the required energy faster.
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