Common Causes Of Hair Loss & What You Can Do About Them

Hair loss is something that affects thousands, if not tens of thousands of men worldwide. The biggest culprit of male hair loss? Testosterone.

Whilst there is very little you can do to stop testosterone from wreaking havoc on your hair follicles, there are many things you can do to try and prevent other factors from causing hair loss.

To help you identify areas that may cause you to start losing your hair, leading hair transplant clinic, Crown Clinic, have put together a list of a few of the biggest causes of hair loss. Find out what you can do to try and prevent these causes and how they can first start to manifest.

Common Causes Of Hair Loss

1. Stress

Stress can cause a number of imbalances within the body and this has been known to make more hair than usual, fall out.

Our hair is usually in one of two stages, the growing stage or the shedding stage. Stress can encourage a greater number of hairs to enter the shedding stage earlier than normal, making more hair fall out over time.

This cause is one of the easiest to handle, as we have a bit more control than we do with areas like genetics. Using breathing and mindfulness meditation techniques, can all help you handle daily stress. You’ll find that once you find a way to handle stress day-to-day, then your hair loss should slow down.

2. Genetics

Hair loss, especially male patterned baldness, can often be a genetic trait. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to stop genetic hair loss. However, there are ways you can attempt to slow it down.

Keeping yourself fit and healthy and making sure you have a balanced diet, can all help to keep your body balanced and prevent hair loss from occurring. You can also take Rogaine and other hair loss supplements to help prevent and slow the hereditary hair loss. These types of preventative measures can either be bought over the counter or can be prescribed by your GP.

3. Deficiencies

Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can also cause you to lose hair. This can be rectified with a healthy balanced diet.

Some of the biggest vitamin deficiencies that can cause hair loss are things such as B vitamins like B12, B7 and B3. These vitamins can help to promote the growth of healthy hair and prevent hair from falling out before its time. Other deficiency can include insufficient Zinc, not enough protein and also vitamin C.

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular and have proven to be a viable solution for those affected in the long term, by male hair loss. This measure is slightly more permanent than taking supplements and can provide the best results for those heavily affected by hair loss.

Overall if you can make sure you have a balanced diet, that allows you to get all of your essential vitamins, then you can keep your body and hair healthy and strong. Male hair loss is often genetic, but if you have found a significant hair loss and it’s starting to affect your confidence, then there are other options.