4 Ways To Get A Chiselled Six Pack

Your body is made up of hundreds of muscles, and there are various muscle groups you can work on training. Despite all this, it seems many people are only interested in one group- the abdominals. So many workout programs, equipment, and diets are marketed towards getting six pack abs.

It’s understandable. After all, a bulging six pack can say a lot about a man. It’s one of the hardest parts of your body to build and maintain. Strong abs are also part of a functional core, which is useful for many exercises and even daily activities. With all that in mind, here are some of the methods people use to get a well-defined six pack.

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are the most popular method for building your abs. This is largely attributed to the fact they can be done anywhere, by anyone, and they’re easy to learn. Crunches are considered the king of ab exercises. All you need to do is lie on your back with bent knees and lift your shoulders up to the ceiling.

Other effective bodyweight exercises for abs are leg raises and the plank. You can find many workouts you can do from home on the internet. There are even entire bodyweight routines for abs on YouTube. A lot of people argue against the effectiveness of bodyweight exercises. However, if you focus on form and make sure your abs feel the burn, these can make your six pack bust through.

Weighted Ab Exercises

A lot of people prefer weighted ab exercises to bodyweight routines. These are more time effective, as you lift more weight for significantly fewer reps. They’re also practical for building core strength.

Check out some of the most effective weighted ab exercises. The only drawback of these is you might need a gym membership to perform them. They often require specific equipment like pull-up bars or machines, as well as the weights.

Cosmetic Surgery

It may surprise people to learn that some men turn to surgery to get the most defined abs. Stomach liposuction removes the fat from your belly area, making your ab muscles more visible. This is the quickest route to a six pack, as all it takes is one 3 hour surgery.

It doesn’t make your abs larger but merely removes the fat in the way to give you incredible toning. Belly fat is one of the most stubborn areas to get reduce. Even with exercising often, some people may find a layer of fat still hides their abs. That’s why some people use surgery to show off what they’ve been working for.


Everyone has abs; it’s just a matter of either making the muscles bigger or your fat percentage lower. Dieting works on the latter.

Simply eating healthy can lead to a chiselled six pack, as well as a host of other health benefits. Many people recommend this method for getting healthy while also making your stomach look good.

Keep in mind that it’s best to use all these methods in combination. Less belly fat will make your abs visible, but adding in exercise will really make them look impressive.

Pic Credit: Pixabay