Top 9 Natural Home Remedies For Hot Flushes In Men

Hot flushes affect both men and women. Hot flushes in men can occur due to low testosterone level, castration, hormone therapy with anti-androgens, men with testicular cancer or prostate cancer, smoking, obesity and male menopause. There are a few ways to deal with the hot flushes naturally. Using natural home remedies is one of such ways. These remedies are safe, effective and don’t have any side effect. Let us look these home remedies for hot flushes in men in a detailed manner.

9 Home Remedies For Hot Flushes In Men

1. Red Clover Remedy

Using red clover is an effective remedy for hot flushes and night sweats related to menopause. It contains plant isoflavones that consist of estrogen-like agents that help to alleviate the hot flushes. The remedy is:


  • 1-2 tbsp of dried red clover
  • 1 cup of boiled water


Boil the water in medium flame and add the dried red clover to it. Later turn off the flame. Then, steep the mixture for half an hour and strain it. Afterward, consume three cups of this concoction daily to treat the hot flushes successfully.

2. Maca Root Remedy

Maca root acts as a coolant and as a pain reliever. It also possesses antiseptics and anti-fungicides. Thereby, it is highly useful for treating the hot flushes in men. Follow the process below:

Process 1:


  • ¼ tsp of maca root powder


Start to consume ¼ tsp of maca root powder every day and later increase its amount gradually. You can also mix it with tea, water or smoothies. Also, add it to yogurt or oatmeal. Follow this way frequently to reduce this problem.

Process 2:

  • 1 maca root capsules


Take a capsule of maca root every day early in the morning because if taken at night it may cause insomnia. You should take it for around 1-2 months and later take a week off. Repeat the procedure to combat the hot flushes soon.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy

ACV has the power to reduce the intensity and incidence of hot flushes. Know here how to relieve hot flushes in men with apple cider vinegar:


  • 1 – 2 tbsp of raw & unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 glass of vegetable juice
  • 1 glass of fruit juice


The first step is diluting the ACV in the water. You can use fruit or vegetable juice in place of water. Thereafter, consume this resultant mixture 1-2 times every day to naturally treat the hot flushes.

4. Honey Remedy

Being anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in nature, honey is known to decrease the discomfort caused by hot flushes. The remedy is:


  • 1 tbsp of honey


Simply, take the honey and consume it every day in the morning to get immediate relief from the hot flushes.

5. Ice Compress Remedy

Using ice cubes will help to cool the skin. As a result, it helps to reduce the temperature. Here is the method:


  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • 1 plastic wrap
  • 1 towel


Fill the plastic bag with the ice cubes at first and later wrap the bag in a towel. Then, apply this towel on your affected areas. Try following this process twice to thrice each day for quick results.

6. Green Tea Remedy

Green tea is an effective treatment for hot flushes. According to an American study in 2005, green tea might aggravate hot flushes. Know here how to use green tea for hot flushes removal:


  • 1 green tea bag
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • ¼ tsp of honey


The initial step is placing the green teabag in the hot water and leaving them to stay together for five minutes. The next step is removing the teabag from the cup and adding the honey to it. After that, have this resultant tea for around two to three times daily to fight against hot flushes.

7. Soybeans Remedy

Soybeans are high in protein and contain eight essential amino acids. Additionally, they are high in calcium and iron. Therefore, they are a great remedy for hot flushes.


  • 2 glasses of soy milk
  • 7 ounces of tofu (Cottage cheese)
  • Or 1 ½ cups of edamame


Take the soy milk and combine it with the tofu or the edamame. Later consume it to lower the effects of hot flushes.

8. Flaxseed Remedy

Flaxseed is loaded with omega-3 fats, which protect the heart, decrease joints and muscle pain, lessen sweating and reduce chills. Along with that, it helps to relieve the hot flushes.


  • 40 gm of ground flaxseed


You can have two to three servings of seafood in every two days. Also, eat the ground flaxseeds every day to fight against hot flushes.

9. Sage Leaves Remedy

Sage leaves enhance the overall health because they compose of flavonoids, tannins and volatile oils. They help to lessen the hot flash symptoms in men.


  • 1tsp of dried sage leaves or 1 tbsp of fresh sage leaves
  • ¼ tsp of lemon juice
  • ¼ tsp of honey
  • 1 cup of boiled water


Firstly, add the dried sage or fresh sage leaves to the boiling water. Later let it steep for the duration of 5 minutes and then, strain the mixture. After that, add the honey and lemon juice to it. Finally, consume this tea for two to three times daily for fast results.

Most of the ingredients used in these home remedies are readily available and easily found. They are also guaranteed to provide quick relief. Try out some of these natural home remedies for hot flushes in men mentioned above and share your experiences with us.

Guest Post by Mai Cao: this guest post is by Mai Cao, a blogger with many years of experience on searching the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues

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