Top 12 Home Remedies For Enlarged Breast In Men

Enlarged breast or Gynecomastia is a condition affecting men. Men having this problem will experience swelling breast tissues making the breast look fuller, thereby creating embarrassing. Basically, this problem occurs by irregular hormone levels during puberty.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Enlarged Breast?

This condition can affect both or single breasts. It can develop unevenly. Its most common symptoms are breast tenderness and swollen breast glandular tissue. If it’s accompanied by swelling, pain or discharge from nipples, you need to look for professional medical attention instantly.

What Are Causes Of Enlarged Breast?

The most common reason for enlarged breast is changes in the hormone levels such as androgens and estrogens. This condition can occur by many reasons including age, puberty, low testosterone, hypogonadism, chemotherapy, hyperthyroidism, hyperthyroidism, radiation treatment, exposure to pollutants, excess alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, malnutrition, etc. Sometimes, being overweight can add to this condition.

Home Remedies For Enlarged Breast In Men

To deal with this condition, there are many effective home remedies. Here are top 10 effective home remedies for enlarged breast in men which are easy follow at home. Let’s check out.

  1. Consume Zinc

Eating zinc-based foods can help treat the enlarged breast in men caused due to low testosterone. Some studies have indicated that lack of zinc can cause decreased levels of testosterone that is one of the main causes of gynecomastia. Thankfully, zinc has the ability to increase testosterone naturally. You should eat foods rich in zinc such as oysters, lobster, fortified breakfast cereal, cashews, yogurt, chickpeas and raisins. Besides, you can take zinc supplements. But before using it, consult your doctor.

  1. Flaxseed Remedy

Basically, flaxseeds come with omega-3 fatty acids so that they help to raise testosterone and lower estrogen levels. In addition, they are high in lignans that help to balance estrogen activity and contain antiestrogenic qualities. Along with that, they can flush harmful toxins out of the body. For this purpose, you can take 1-2 tbsp of flaxseed oil every day for a couple of weeks. You can also take 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed and add it to 1 glass of hot water. Then, consume this mixture every day until you notice an improvement. Alternatively, you can add them to smoothies & baked goods such as muffins and breads.

Note: Prior to taking flaxseeds as a remedy, consult your doctor because they may interfere with hormone treatments and certain medications.

  1. Milk Thistle For Enlarged Breast Treatment

Milk thistle is an effective treatment for breast enlargement caused by liver disease. Milk thistle can improve live functioning because of its active constituent silymarin. For this remedy, you take crush milk thistle seeds (1 tablespoon) and add it to three cups of water. Later heat until boiling and remove from heat. Then, steep for the duration of 20 minutes, strain and add some honey. Afterward, consume this tea twice per day for several weeks. Alternatively, you can take milk thistle supplement and consult your doctor for proper dosage.

  1. Exercises

Exercises help to balance hormone levels so that they help to decrease gynecomastia. Additionally, exercises aid in building chest and torso muscles. Furthermore, they help to lower overall body fat which is the reason for pseudogynecomastia that feminizes the breast of men. For best results, you should add cardiovascular, elliptical and weight lifting exercises to your exercise routine. In addition, swimming is useful for decreasing excess fat. Walking and jogging can also help to burn many calories and body fat.

  1. Epsom Salt Bath Remedy

Generally speaking, an Epsom salt bath is able to help you eliminate water retention. Epsom salt is enriched with magnesium sulfate, which aids the process of detoxification, thereby helping balance hormones. For this treatment, take two cups of Epsom salt and add it to 1 tub of warm bath water. Then, stir well until the salt is completely dissolved. Thereafter, you soak in the relaxing bath for the duration of 15 minutes. For visible results, you repeat up to thrice a week. Note: People with heart problems and high blood pressure should avoid this remedy.

  1. Dandelion For Enlarged Breast

Dandelion is a great herb to treat gynecomastia. Being a diuretic effect, this herb can remove harmful toxins, excess estrogen and excess water from the body. Along with that, this herb can also break down carbohydrates and thus prevents fat from building up in your body. For this purpose, you add dried dandelion (1 tsp) to hot water (1 cup). Then, cover and steep for around 10 minutes. Afterward, strain and consume this resultant tea twice or thrice daily for a couple of weeks. Alternatively, you can take dandelion supplements or tincture after consulting your doctor or healthcare professional.

  1. Turmeric Remedy

A well-known remedy for enlarged breast is turmeric that can raise the levels of testosterone in men. When the testosterone level becomes high, gynecomastia in men reduces in size naturally. Along with that, turmeric helps burn fat and improves liver health altogether. All you need to follow is adding turmeric (1-2 teaspoons) to water (1 cup) and heating it for ten minutes. Then, consume this solution two or three times daily and especially before your bedtime. Follow daily and you will see changes within a few weeks. Alternatively, you can take turmeric capsules after consulting a doctor.

Note: In case you’re having problems associated with stomach such as GERD, stay away from using turmeric because it might worsen this problem.

Besides, turmeric can also treat boils. You can read more at Natural Home Remedies For Boils On The Body.

  1. Fish Oil Remedy

Being packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils are beneficial for males with gynecomastia because they help to produce testosterone. Apart from that, these fatty acids help to lower estrogen levels. You can take fish oil supplements. Alternatively, you can take omega-3 supplements. For the correct usage and dosage, consult your doctor. You can also eat cold-water fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, which are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.

  1. Passion Flower Remedy

Passion flower has the ability to treat gynecomastia naturally thanks to its testosterone-boosting agents. Additionally, it can give the body protection from losing testosterone because it consists of a compound called chrysin. For this treatment, you take 1 tsp of dried passion flower and steep it in 1 cup of water for the duration of ten minutes. After that, strain and consume this herbal tea for several times a day. Alternatively, you can take passion flower supplement. Consult your doctor for proper dosage.

  1. Cold Compress

Enlarged breast often brings symptoms such as pain and tender breast occasionally. You can use a cold compress for the tender breast. Coldness can help to contract the tissues, thereby alleviating swelling and pain. For this remedy, you can wrap several ice cubes in 1 thin towel and later put it on each of the breasts for one minute only. Repeat this treatment as required. Don’t apply this ice directly on your skin because it can cause frostbite.

  1. Sarsaparilla For Enlarged Breast Treatment

One of the best home remedies for gynecomastia is using sarsaparilla. This herb contains sterol, thereby helping you build up the muscles. This remedy is often preferred by athletes or bodybuilders. For this treatment, take chopped root (1 teaspoon) into some hot water. Then, steep for around ten minutes and consume it warmly.

  1. Ginger Remedy

Basically, ginger has the ability to improve your metabolism and break down the fat tissues. Thus, it’s a great remedy for enlarged breast treatment. For this purpose, take some fresh grated ginger and add it to boiling water. Later steep for several minutes and strain it. Finally, consume warmly daily for around 3 to 6 months.

These are a couple of home remedies, which you can try to treat enlarged breast naturally and quickly. These remedies are one of the best methods for enlarged breast treatment. You can combat this problem in a natural way when used in the proper way.

Guest Post by Marry Smith

Author Bio:

This guest post is by Marry Smith – a blogger with many years of experience on searching the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues.