How To Get A More Masculine & Chiseled Jawline

A strong jawline and chiseled chin can not only redefine your face and appearance but also improve your self-confidence. If you feel like your face is not balanced due to a weak chin or that age has detracted from the strength of your jawline, chin and jaw implants may be the solution for you. Male chin implants combined with jaw augmentation can provide a striking improvement for men who are lacking in these areas.

Candidates For Chin & Jaw Implants

A weak chin or jaw can cause other facial features to seem disproportionate in size. This has led many men to feel dissatisfied with their profile. Chin and jaw implants, also called chin and jaw augmentation, are surgical procedures that provide symmetry to a man’s facial structure and give the appearance of strength and vigor. Men typically choose to get chin and jaw implants to restore or enhance their natural appearance. Some of the specific reasons include:

  • Wanting to strengthen a weak chin and/or jawline
  • Wanting to enhance the shape, length or width of the jaw angle or chin
  • Wanting to improve chin/jaw structure
  • Needing to correct asymmetry of the jaw due to injury or congenital conditions
  • Wanting to enhance facial structure by bringing contour to the jaw and/or chin that has changed due to aging

Jaw implants and chin implants are different procedures, however, men with small jaw angles often have weak chins. Consequently, jaw implants are frequently combined with chin implants to create a more contoured, powerful appearance.

Chin implants can also make the nose look smaller. A proportioned chin provides symmetry to the lower half of the face by drawing attention away from a prodigious nose. Chin implants will also lessen the effect of a pronounced or slightly sagging jowl around the neck, creating the illusion of a facelift.

Candidates seeking a jaw or chin implant should be in relatively good health. Any individual seeking a jaw augmentation should have teeth and a jaw that function within a normal range. In addition, patients undergoing a chin or jaw implant should have a properly functioning immune system to reduce the risk of infection.

The Initial Consultation

If you’re thinking about having chin augmentation, make sure to pick a board certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record in chin and jaw implant surgeries. During the initial chin augmentation consultation, your surgeon will thoroughly review your health history as well as any medication you take. To create the proper surgical plan, your face, teeth and bite force will be measured to ensure symmetry. You and your doctor will discuss the look you’d like to achieve from the procedure and what you can expect from the final outcome. Most surgeons will use computer imaging to provide patients with a simulation of the end result.

After the surgical plan has been addressed, your surgeon will outline the details of the procedure, pre-operative care, and the recovery process. The following are basic questions that patients should ask during a chin augmentation consultation:

  • What is the cost of the surgery?
  • How long will the procedure be?
  • Are there any risks associated with the procedure?
  • How long is the recovery process?
  • Always ask to see photos of your surgeon’s recent work.

Pre-operative Care Concerns

Based on your medical history, you may have to undergo some preoperative tests before a chin implant procedure. It is recommended that smokers quit the habit before surgery and during the recovery process. The decrease in blood flow that is caused by smoking can delay healing and can possibly cause tissue damage. Blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, and aspirin should not be taken before or after the augmentation as they can also increase bleeding.

The Surgical Procedure

Depending on a variety of factors, a chin implant surgery generally takes about 45 minutes to an hour and a half to complete. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Typically, a small incision is made beneath the chin upon which the tissue is carefully stretched to create the appropriate amount of space for the implant which will sit right on the bone. A custom silicone chin implant is then inserted into that space, and the incision will be closed with sutures. Most surgeons will attempt to make the incisions as inconspicuous as possible.

Jaw implant surgery is more involved than a chin implant procedure and typically takes one-two hours. In many cases, these incisions are hidden in the mouth along the back of the jawline where the gums and lower lips meet. Incisions are hidden inside the mouth at the back of the jawline in the crease where the inside of the lower lips and gums meet which is where the implant is placed. The jaw implants are formed to match the contour of the jawline and are usually secured with titanium screws after which, the procedure is repeated on the other side. The incisions are then closed in layers to create a waterproof seal.

The Recovery Process

It is generally recommended that patients eat soft foods for the first week after surgery. The sutures placed under the chin are usually removed after five days. With the jaw implant procedure, the sutures placed inside the mouth will dissolve on their own. There will be swelling that will gradually dissipate after three to four weeks. Some mild to moderate pain is to be expected for a couple of days. If necessary, any discomfort can be treated with a prescription pain reliever. Most patients return to work within a week, but are generally directed to refrain from strenuous activity for one to two weeks.

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re looking for a male chin implant surgeon around Miami, visit Dr. Andres Bustillo. Board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Bustillo uses the most advanced, yet proven techniques to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Dr. Bustillo’s conservative approach to chin augmentation focuses on creating a natural look followed by a short uncomplicated recovery process.